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An Intro to Proxima Development Modeling

Predicting the final cost of insurance claims is crucial for actuaries and insurers. This is used to set company reserves, inform future pricing, monitor segment performance, and more.

We’ll use a simplified example to show how Proxima's innovative approach works, using a smaller dataset for clarity.

A financial liquidity test will be performed using our model results.

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Going To Zero

Changes in insurance claim values settle to zero over time. By modeling the incremental values by development year, we simplify the relationships we need to understand, reduce the impact of errors, and create a clear and defined shape at the end of the time series.

This approach applies to various metrics, including paid, case, and incurred losses, expenses, claim counts, severities, recoveries, audit premiums, and more.

To further streamline our modeling efforts, we convert our data into stable, predictable ratios, such as dividing losses by premiums.

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Creating a Surface

Our defined target also promotes spatial dependence. This means the data points are related to others in nearby locations.

When stacking our claim period time series, we create a surface of correlated values rising and falling similarly over time. Conversely, if we use cumulative values, the resulting surface may exhibit more complex, potentially non-linear behavior across claim periods. This complexity can make modeling more challenging, as the relationships between data points become less straightforward, even though it might align with the ultimate value of interest.

Next we'll explore how we model the relationships present in our triangle in order to complete the picture.

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Fitting with Kernels

Let's flatten our surface to a heatmap and consider relationships to the gold square. We will determine these relationships with kernel-based learning.

Kernels can help us measure how similar a set of data points are. In this context, it determines how intensely and distant we have to look to understand loss emergence trends.

One popular way to measure similarity is called the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. If two points are close together, they are more similar. If they are far apart, they are less similar:

\( k(x, x') = \exp \left( - \frac{\|x - x'\|^2}{2l^2} \right) \)

Here, the lengthscale, \(l\), is adjusted to best match our data. \(l\) controls how quickly the similarity drops off with distance.

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Across Claim Periods

Is claim emergence from 5 years ago relevant to today? How about from 2 years ago? The first part of our kernel construction attempts to answer that question.

Relative to the same square highlighted above, the next few exhibits will denote strong similarities with gold and weak ones with black.

Looking across claim periods, the data suggests that a short-term trend is best. We're only considering the claim period (the y-axis), so the same relationship is assumed across all development years.

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Within the Claim Period

Now we can consider the other dimension: development years. For this, we add a little more complexity to the kernel. Instead of using a single lengthscale, we vary the lengthscale across the x-axis.

We find that the lengthscale increases as the claim period ages, i.e. we find more similarities over time. This makes sense since claim emergence has sharp changes early on and then stabilizes as it converges toward zero.

Again, we are only looking at one dimension, so the relationship we find is assumed across all claim periods.

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The Combined Effect

We multiply our two kernels together to create an interaction between the two patterns. Using multiplication means the similarities are only strong if both kernels agree.

The data point we are predicting is best understood by looking at the data closely surrounding it or directly out into the future.

By combining both dimensions, we can accurately model and predict claims across all time periods, taking into account trends in all directions.

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Across All Time Periods

Repeating the exercise above for every data point paints a pretty picture, but I wouldn't bother studying it.

Warning: Some Math

We will add signal variance and noise to our relationships to create a complete covariance matrix, \( K_s(x, x') \). Specifically, the covariance matrix is the element-wise product of our one-dimensional relationship kernels and a signal variance matrix. A noise diagonal matrix is added to the result.

This matrix includes all of the parameters for our simple model:

\( f(x) \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, K_s(x, x')) \)

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Adding More Datasets

So far we have focused on modeling relationships within a group of claims over two time dimensions. But in most cases, there are multiple groups of claims that change value with similar patterns.

In some cases, these groups will change value with clear, but difficult to capture, correlation. This could be because of similarities in claims handling, economic impacts, or larger market trends.

The Proxima model also has a simple way to include these cross-dataset relationships.

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Weighing the Relationships

Assuming our original covariance matrix, \( K_s \), is suitable for modeling across datasets, we can use a simple trick to capture even more patterns.

We will apply a multiplier to \( K_s \) for each of our 4 datasets, as well as for the combination of each of those datasets. Joining all of those matrices together, we capture both the covariance matrices as well as the cross-covariance matrices we need to make predictions.

The multipliers can adjust for the level of variation in the dataset, as well as positive and negative relationships between datasets and the variation in those relationships.

We have chosen to do this with one \( K \), but we could sum additional covariance matrices to capture even more complex patterns.

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Predict the Future

Now the easy part. We can simulate from the relationships we learned from our data and project each of our triangles as many times as we wish.

Warning: More Math

Given observed data points \(\mathbf{X}\) and their corresponding values \(\mathbf{y}\), the prediction at a new point \(\mathbf{x}_*\) is given by:

\( \mathbf{f}_* \mid \mathbf{X}, \mathbf{y}, \mathbf{x}_* \sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{k}_*^\top K^{-1} \mathbf{y}, K(\mathbf{x}_*, \mathbf{x}_*) - \mathbf{k}_*^\top K^{-1} \mathbf{k}_*) \)


  • \(\mathbf{k}_*\) is the covariance vector between the new point \(\mathbf{x}_*\) and the observed data points \(\mathbf{X}\).
  • \(K\) is the covariance matrix of the observed data points \(\mathbf{X}\).

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Investment Use Case

Insurers must have sufficient funds to pay out claims. To avoid liquidity issues, the company can match the expected claim payout to the duration of investments.

Two of the datasets in our example included the paid dollars on insurance claims. We can use our projections of all future paid dollars and the related estimates of claim duration.

Incorporating our liability estimates, companies may optimize their investment portfolio for a selected liquidity probability and expected return.

Let's imagine a simple investment scenario with 3 options:

  1. Investment A
    6 month duration with expected annual return of 3%
  2. Investment B
    2 year duration with expected annual return of 5%
  3. Investment C
    5 year duration with expected annual return of 8% on non-reserve funds

If investment C must be sold to cover unexpected claim payments, the return is reduced to 2% due to market timing, price pressure, taxes, and fees. The company has $150 million in cash before considering claim reserves.

On the right, set the company reserves to cover insurance claims. The model will assess the liquidity risk and expected total investment return based on the duration of your reserve fund investments.

As you increase the reserve, you are less likely to incur a liquidity issue, but you also reduce investment return. Companies will have their own risk profile for achieving investment returns.